Gluten Free, Vegan Pizza Recipe!

It’s Friday!  Which in our house means pizza / family movie night.  I had a recipe for my favourite gluten free, vegan pizza crust that was метро СПб lost when I updated my site so … for those that are interested, here it is again!  Enjoy!

Gluten Free Pizza (recipe courtesy of Cooking Light Gluten Free Cookbook)

1 package active dry yeast (approx 2 1/4 tsp)

2 1/2 tsp sugar, divided (I like to use coconut sugar)

1 cup warm milk (I use unsweetened almond milk)

1 cup (approx) Brown rice flour

1/2 cup cornstarch (or if allergic to corn, arrowroot or tapioca starch)

2 tsp xanthan gum (or guar gum is allergic to corn)

1 tsp italian seasoning

1/2 tsp sea salt

4 tsp olive oil, divided

2 tsp apple cider vinegar


1. preheat oven to 450 degrees

2. dissolve 1/2 tsp sugar in warm milk.  Add yeast, mix slightly and let stand for approx 5 min

3. combine 3/4 cup brown rice flour, and remaining dry ingredients in a bowl / stand mixer.

4. add yeast mixture, and remaining wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix.  Add two tbsp brown rice flour and mix again.  Mixture will be wet … I use a spatula to spoon mixture onto parchment lined pizza pans (I get two small pizzas from this or one large.  I often will double the recipe to get two large pizzas depending on my kids appetites that night!)

5. I use approximately 2 tbsp brown rice flour to sprinkle over dough so that I can form it into a pizza shape.

6. place in your preheated oven and bake for 10 min.

7. remove pizza crust, add desired toppings and cook for an additional 11-12 min.


Pre-Valentine’s Day Treats!

I promised pictures of my pre-valentine cupcakes and Molten Lava Cake and here they are!

2015-01-27 18.23.03 2015-02-04 16.44.37 I managed to get a quick one of some valentine brownies too!  All three treats are gluten and dairy free!  In addition, two of the three have some fantastic green vegetables included!

The best thing about experimenting with recipes and getting creative with some decorating are the squeals of delight from my three children.  “You mean, we can eat these!” …. yes you can!

And you can too!

Have a SIMPLY … decadent evening!2015-02-05 18.33.28

Waffles with Hemp Hearts!

This morning, at my children’s sincere nudging, I made waffles. I decided, however, to not only make my usual GF version but to up the nutritional value a bit and added some ground hemp hearts. The nutritional benefits of hemp hearts are numerous and as such I have shared a couple of links below and on my website for you to read. I have used them in everything from a topping on my fresh berries and yogurt in the morning, to cookies (in place of GF oats) to my Krispie Squares (a nice thin layer under some dark chocolate topping so as to effectively hide from my children!) I encourage you to give hemp hearts a try! Have a SIMPLY … restful Sunday!

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